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Opinion of Healthcare Organization Employees on the Usefulness, Ease of Use, and Effectiveness of Electronic-Learning for Continuous Professional Development

Fahad I. Al Mofeez, Anwar S. Al Enazi, Mansour A. Alyousef, Abdurahman M. Alzomia, Aeyd Z. Al Qarni, Ahmed N. Alharthi, Abdulrhman I. Alkhalf, Sahar S. Al-amoudi, Nouf S. Alanazi, Noura S. Alenezi, Muna H. Hassanein.


Background and Aims:
To be effective, electronic learning requires user acceptance based on perceptions of its usefulness, ease, and effectiveness. The study aimed to assess opinions of healthcare and other professionals on electronic learning for continuous professional development.

A descriptive, cross-sectional study was conducted with 210 Riyadh General Directorate of Health Affairs employees in electronic-learning programmes. Data collection was via a self-administered electronic questionnaire covering background, effectiveness, usefulness, and ease of use variables. Opinions were evaluated with average scores and subgroup comparisons with one-way ANOVA and t-tests.

Respondents viewed electronic learning favorably for usefulness (mean score (standard deviation) = 29 (8.5) out of 40 points), but expressed concerns about interaction and hands-on training suitability. They also had a positive opinion on ease of use (mean score (standard deviation) = 15.9 (4.2) out of 20 points), yet noted concerns about location availability for training. Similarly, they rated effectiveness favorably (mean score (standard deviation) = 14.6 (5.6) out of 16 points). Males had more positive view of usefulness and ease of use compared to females (usefulness: males 30 (8.3) versus females 27 (8.6), p-value = 0.010; ease of use: males 16.7 (3.8) versus females 13.9 (4.6), p-value = 0.000). Those aged 45-49 showed a more positive opinion on effectiveness compared to those under 45 years (15.8 (5.1) versus 13.8 (5.9), p-value = 0.014).

Opinions regarding usefulness, ease of use, and effectiveness of electronic learning were favorable, making it an option for implementing continuous professional development training, albeit with careful planning to overcome its shortcomings.

Key words: Electronic-learning, usefulness, ease of use, effectiveness, Saudi Arabia

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