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Med Arch. 2012; 66(3): 181-184

Correlation of Pathohistological Changes and Serology Parameters in Chronic Hepatitis C

Bisera Gogov, Zora Vukobrat-Bijedic.


Introduction: Viral Hepatitis C, formerly known as non A–non B hepatitis, as a separate clinical entity described in 1975 is most often reported in patients who received blood transfusions, and also called it post transfusion hepatitis. Aim of the study: Goal was to quantify the number of HCV RNA copies by PCR method, histologically determine the stage of fibrosis and degree of necroinflammatory activity in biopsies of liver parenchyma, and compare the histopathological changes with the number of the virus copies. Material and methods: The study was prospective and involved 50 patients suffering from chronic hepatitis C of viral etiology. All patients underwent liver biopsy and the specimens were patohistologically investigated to determine the stage of fibrosis score, and necroinflammatory activities. In every case was determined the concentration of AST, ALT, bilirubin, CBC, DR, and all underwent percutaneous ultrasonography and gastroscopy. We performed genotyping of viruses and virus quantification of HCV RNA-PCR. Results: The study showed that women were older than men. The stage of fibrosis and degree of necroinflammatory activities were higher in women than men, meaning that older people carry the virus longer, increasing the number of virus copies the disease lasted longer. According to the etiology of infection the patients who were infected by blood transfusions had a higher stage of fibrosis. Score of necroinflammatory activity was significantly dependent on variables AST with p=0.02 and ALT with p=0026. Conclusion: Our research has shown that the stage of fibrosis was significantly dependent on alanine aminotransferases, duration of infection, number of virus copies and mode of infection. Patients who received blood transfusions, had the longest duration of infection, higher stage of fibrosis and degree necroinflammatory activity.

Key words: Chronic hepatitis C, pathohistological changes, serology parameters.

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