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IJMDC. 2024; 8(6): 1463-1471

Knowledge and attitude about Autism among Family Medicine residents in Alahsa region, Saudi Arabia

Sajjad M. AlHaddad, Abdullah Jassem AlQuwidhi, Hasan Mohammed AlAbdulsalam.


Objective: This study aimed to assess the knowledge and attitude about autism among Family Medicine residents in the AlAhsa region, Saudi Arabia.
Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was conducted from September to October 2023. A validated questionnaire was distributed among 99 Family Medicine residents through an online platform. The questionnaire assessed demographic data, knowledge about autism, and attitude toward managing the condition.
Results: The results indicated a moderate level of knowledge about autism among the residents, where 51% displayed moderate knowledge, 24.5% showed good knowledge, and 24.5% had poor knowledge. Attitudes toward autism management were generally positive, though varied, highlighting a need for enhanced training and awareness.
Conclusion: The study underscores the necessity for targeted educational interventions and continuous professional development to bridge knowledge gaps and improve the management of autism in primary care settings. Enhanced training on the diverse aspects of autism could lead to better patient outcomes and more effective healthcare delivery.

Key words: Autism, family medicine, knowledge, attitude, Saudi Arabia

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