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Research Article

JEAS. 2024; 11(2): 23-34

Design and Implementation of a Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM)-based Smart Energy Meter

Idris H. Smaili.

Cited by 0 Articles

A smart meter is an electronic device that quantifies energy use at various periods, which can range from minutes to months. The suggested device gathers data from the meter and transmits it to a central database for storage, analysis, and monitoring of safety-related concerns. Additionally, it incorporates a module that allows for the loading of on-demand units from the energy supplier firm simply by submitting an SMS request. The idea was initially implemented in software and subsequently, a prototype model was produced. The prototype model communicates with the energy service provider to obtain data on the consumed energy using the GSM network. This work aims to present the theory and implementation of remote monitoring and controlling of the energy meter using GSM architecture. This system, based on GSM technology, allows the electrical department to get regular meter readings without the need for manual readings. The work also enables prepaid billing, electricity management, and energy conservation.

Key words: smart energy meter, global system for mobile communication (GSM), Arduino

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