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Case Report

A case of multiple schwannomas in nerves of the lower extremities

Mehmet Dadaci, Bilsev Ince, Fatma Bilgen, Zeynep Altuntas, Pembe Oltulu.


Schwannoma, also known as neurilemma, is a rare benign tumor on a nerve sheath consisting of Schwann cells and a capsule. These tumors are the most common peripheral nerve tumors. Their manifestation is often a single swelling across the nerve, yet there may be more than one lesion in Neurofibromatosis type 2 cases. The present work discusses a case of multiple schwannomas developing in both sensory and motor nerves simultaneously with involvement of three different nerves in a non-syndromic patient.

Key words: Multiple schwannoma, lower exremities, sensory nerves, motor nerves

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