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Research Article

CUJOSTECH. 2024; 1(2): 10-20

Assessment of the Physicochemical Properties of Drinking Water in Gwagwalada Area Council, Federal Capital Territory, Abuja, Nigeria.

Victor Uchenna Ugwu,Lateef Ariyo Adeniran,Oladimeji Matthew Damilare,Olatunde Peter Ajagbonna.


Background of the study: Good quality drinking water is essential for human physiology, but its availability remains a challenge especially Nigeria. The need to ascertain physicochemical quality of water to determine safety becomes paramount. The qualities of selected sachet, tap and bottled water produced and most consumed within Gwagwalada Area Council Abuja were analyzed to determine their physicochemical properties. Methods: Six different brands of most consumed drinking water samples were collected within Gwagwalada metropolis. Twenty (20) physicochemical parameters in six (6) brands of drinking water samples which include, temperature, alkalinity, Total hardness, acidity, dissolved oxygen, color, taste, total dissolved solid were analyzed using standard procedure. Results: The Temperature (28.3-28.7◦C), Hardness (1000-2000 mg/L), Alkalinity (12-18.1 mg/L), Acidity (8-28 mg/L), Magnesium (0.1421-0.2085 mg/L), Sulphate (2.71-15.99 mg/L), Calcium (2.1165-2.6805 mg/L) and COD (18.23-30.21 mg/L) were not within the permissible limits stipulated by World Health Organization (WHO) and Nigerian Standard Drinking Water Quality (NSDWQ), while twelve (12) parameters analyzed (colour (

Key words: Physicochemical Assessment, Gwagwalada, Sachet, Bottled Water, Shelf life.

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