Background: The Geriatric
population in Nigeria is increasing in
size due to improvements in health
care services that have resulted in
increased longevity. However
relatively few studies have been
conducted on the pattern of
psychiatric illnesses among the
elderly in this environment.
M o r e o v e r , w i t h c h a n g i n g
demographics, there is a need for
more information.
Objective: The objectives of this
study were to: (1) examine the sociodemographic and clinical variables
of patients who received treatment
at the Geriatric clinic of Federal
Neuropsychiatric Hospital, BeninCity and (2) examine the pattern of
psychogeriatric disorders among
Methods: A retrospective case note
review of all patients who received
treatment at the Geriatric clinic from
1st January, 2012 to 31st
December, 2014 was conducted.
Data extracted from the case files
included biodata, Psychiatric
diagnoses, number of prescribed
medications, clinic attendance and
comorbid medical conditions.
Results: A total of six hundred and
fifty (650) patients attended the
geriatric clinic during the period
under review. Most (67.5%) of them
were females and the ages of all
patients included in the study ranged
between 60-109 years with a mean
age of 69.9 years (S.D = + 7.96) and
median age of 69 years. Majority
(91.2%) were Christians while more
than half (54.9%) were employed.
Forty-two percent (42.6%) of the
patients were of Bini ethnicity. More
than half (57.5%) were married while
about a third (36.3%) were widowed.
Children of subjects constituted the
largest percentage (78.2%) of
caregivers. The three most common
p s y c h i a t r i c i l l n e s s e s w e r e
Depression (41%), Dementia (27%)
and Schizophrenia (15%). A large
proportion (61.8%) of the patients
attended the clinic only once or
twice. Almost a third (28%) had a
comorbid medical illness with
hypertension being the most
common medical diagnosis. About
half (52%) were placed on only one
psychotropic medication
Conclusion: This study showed
that depression was the commonest
diagnosis among the elderly
subjects reviewed followed by
dementia. Some of these patients
had comorbid medical illnesses
such as hypertension and diabetes.
Improving the quality of geriatric
services bearing in mind the most
prevalent psychiatric and medical
disorders in this age group will help
in providing adequate care to meet
the mental and physical health
needs of the elderly population
Key words: Keywords: Elderly, common
psychiatric illnesses, Psychogeriatric clinic, Nigeria