Original Article |
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The Importance of 'Group Social Support' in Treatment and Re-Union of a
Declared Missing Paranoid Schizophrenic Patient With Her Family:
A Case Report.S.B AREMU, I. ABDULLAHI, M. SALELE, S. YAHAYA. Abstract | | | | ABSTRACT
Development of psychiatric
symptoms may pose challenges to
patients and their relatives
especially if such is an index
problem. Paranoid symptom
especially towards relation might
predispose such patient to abscond
from home and the where about may
remain unknown for sometimes.
Some may be assisted by good
Samaritans while others might fell
under the circumstances of
criminals. Social support and
medical treatment may be required
to reunite some of these subjects as
illustrated by this case report.
K e y W o r d s : P a r a n o i d
Schizophrenia, Homelessness,
Social support
Key words: K e y W o r d s : P a r a n o i d
Schizophrenia, Homelessness,
Social support