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Short Communication

NMJ. 2015; 4(1): 47-51

Deceased organ transplantation shortage of organs and role of presumed consent-A review

B.V.Subrahmanyam 1 K.S.V.K. Subba Rao2.


At present globally there is paucity of deceased organ transplantation although they are in vogue in many
countries. Consent for organ donation is easy in living donors. In decreased persons if they have made a
living will in regard to their organ donation upon death it is easy. Around the world this number is grossly
deficient in comparison to the persons waiting to receive the organs. To facilitate better compliance the
concept of presumed consent brought in Singapore and some European countries observed that this has
helped in increasing availability of organs by 25-30%. It is proposed in this article that India also must
consider this and enunciate suitable changes in the law to derive the benefits of increased availability of
deceased organs for transplantation.

Key words: Keywords:  Deceased Organ Donations  Presumed Consent  Donor express consent  Indian Scene

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