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Case Report

Acute myeloid leukemia presenting as pancytopenia—a rare case

Shanu Srivastava, Prabhavati Patil, K G Ghorpade, Priyanka Manghani.


Pancytopenia is a diagnostic dilemma that can be caused in several conditions. Patients with pancytopenia should be evaluated thoroughly to find the causative factors using detailed clinical history and investigations. While megaloblastic anemia, aplastic anemia, and infections are common causes of pancytopenia, marrow space occupying lesions are rare causes of it. We present a case of an elderly patient with pancytopenia and no immature cells on peripheral smear. His bone marrow aspiration and biopsy studies along with immunophenotyping suggested a diagnosis of acute myeloid leukemia.

Key words: pancytopenia, leukemia, AML

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