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BMB. 2024; 9(2): 0-0

12-Year Experience for Tenosynovial Giant Cell Tumors of Tendon Sheath: A Review of 95 Cases from a Single Institution

Muhammed Uslu, Nilsen Yıldırım Erdoğan, Mustafa Fatih Daşcı, Ozan Beytemur.


Background: We aimed to present our 12-year experiences for tenosynovial giant cell tumors (TGCTs) of tendon sheath by summarizing the demographic characteristics and clinicopathological features of 95 cases who underwent excision of localized TGCT in a single institution to investigate the factors associated with gender and tumor location among the patients.
Methods: Medical records of 95 patients with TGCT were reviewed. Demographic characteristics and clinicopathological findings were collected and compared according to the gender and location of tumor.
Results: Females were predominantly involved (78.95%). The mean age was 41.09±14.26 years. Majority of patients had TGCT in hands (7579%) and most predominantly involved tumor in D1 and D2 (N=21 and 25, respectively). The tumor was invaded into the bone/joint of 5 patients (5.26%) and a total of 4 recurrences (4.21%) were determined over the mean follow-up period of 84.3 months (range: 14 – 136). No significant difference was found in demographics and clinicopathological features between two genders(P>0.05). However, there was a significant increase in median tumor size of male patients compared to those of females (P=0.011).There was also no significant difference in demographics and clinicopathological features among digits of hands(P>0.05).
Conclusions: Our study provides a comprehensive analysis of 95 patients who underwent surgical resection for localized TGCTs over a 12-year period at a single tertiary care hospital. TGCTs, pose unique challenges in management due to their diverse clinical presentations and variable recurrence rates. Despite being predominantly benign, TGCTs exhibit recurrence and bone/joint invasion, necessitating meticulous follow-up and evaluation.

Key words: tenosynovial giant cell tumors, gender, tumor location, recurrence

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