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NJP. 2013; 11(0): 10-14

The Relationship Between Family Structure and Psychopathology Among Adolescents and Young Adults in Lagos, South-Western Nigeria



Aim: The aim of this study was to
determine the relationship between
interpersonal relationship in family
structures and manifestations of
symptoms of anxiety and depression
in adolescent from different family
Methods: Two hundred and fortyseven students attending a Federal
Technical College in Lagos were
randomly selected to participate in
this study. The participants were
classified and divided into four
different family structures such as
single-parent family, two-parent
family, polygamous and extended
family structures. The participants
completed a demographic form,
Index of Family Relations (IFR),
State Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAIY2) and Self-Rating Depression
Scale (SDS).
Results: There were 127 males and
120 females and their ages ranged
from 17 to 22 years. The findings
showed a significant relationship
between family relationship and
anxiety and depression (r =0.371, df
246, P< .05). The participants had
certain degrees of anxiety but less of
depressive symptoms. The
differences in family relations among
the different family structures was
were found not to be significant at
F3,228=.650, P>.05.
Conclusion: This study also
demonstrated that there was a
relationship between family
structure, adolescent and young
adult psychopathology particularly
with regards to symptoms of anxiety
but less of symptoms of depression.

Key words: Key Words: Family structure, interpersonal relationship, anxiety, depression, adolescents, young adults, Nigeria

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