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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(10): 067-072

Evaluation of fungistatic potential of lichen extracts against Fusarium solani (Mart.) Sacc. causing Rhizome rot disease in Ginger

Rashmi Shivanna, Rajkumar H Garampalli.


Eight lichens were collected, identified and solvent extract were obtained using methanol and ethyl acetate in soxhlet apparatus. Antifungal properties of lichens were determined by Agar well diffusion method, Microdilution assay and TLC- Bioautographic technique. The largest zone of inhibition in well diffusion method was recorded (in mm) with the ethyl acetate extract of Parmotrema tinctorum with 18.6±1.15 followed by Teloschistes flavicans with 18.6±0.5. The maximum antifungal activity was found in the extracts of lichen Parmotrema tinctorum and Flavoparmelia caperata with low MIC value of 1.562mg/ml. Flavoparmelia caperata extract was active with a clear zone on TLC bioautogram of the tested organism indicating two zones of growth inhibition at an Rf value of 0.46, 0.6. Comparatively ethyl acetate extract showed a strong antifungal activity than methanolic extract. The results were promising with potential drug candidate having a fungitoxic effect to reinforce bioprospecting of lichens as a bio-fungicide.

Key words: lichens, Parmotrema tinctorum, Flavoparmelia caperata, Fusarium solani

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