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Original Article

Med Arch. 2024; 78(2): 127-130

Clinical Experience of Using a Combination of Dexamethasone and Levofloxacin After Cataract Surgery

Tomislav Kuzman, Ivana Gabric, Ana Meter, Ivan Skegro, Sanja Masnec, Miro Kalauz, Ana Pupic-Bakrac.


Background: Where routine prophylactic antibiotics have been adopted following cataract surgery, rates of endophthalmitis have been decreasing. Intracameral and topical antibiotics are currently used to prevent endophthalmitis after cataract surgery. When applying topical antibiotics, there are different recommendations on the frequency and duration of therapy. The development of bacterial resistance to the excessive and long-term use of antibiotics is a growing problem worldwide. The goal is to achieve a good antibiotic effect with the shortest possible use of antibiotics. Objective: The aim of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a new combination therapy of dexamethasone and levofloxacin for seven days after cataract surgery with the previous regimen of dexamethasone, neomycin sulfate, and polymyxin B, which was given for 21 days. Methods: A retrospective analysis of medical records and administered a questionnaire was conducted to assess the effectiveness of postoperative therapy in our cataract surgery patients. The study involved 52 patients who underwent surgery within the last year, performed by a single surgeon at our institution. The findings can help us improve the quality of care we provide and optimize our patients' overall quality of life. Results: We conducted an in-depth study on 52 individuals who underwent cataract surgery at our institution. The prescribed therapeutic regimen for the participants included administering Ducressa solution four times daily for the first seven days and Maxidex solution three times daily for the subsequent 14 days. The study found that none of the participants experienced complications after surgery, and all found it easy to instill the medication. The prescribed regimen effectively managed the postoperative recovery of the participants, and the medication was well-tolerated. Conclusion: Our research found that a new combination of levofloxacin and dexamethasone, when used topically, may require a shorter treatment period, reducing the risk of antibiotic resistance and providing a safe alternative for endophthalmitis prevention.

Key words: Endophthalmitis, dexametasone, levofloxacin, cataract surgery.

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