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Reasons for Referring Patients for Determining the Hormonal Status of the Thyroid Gland From the Level of Primary Health Care in Sarajevo Canton

Amela Dizdarevic-Bostandzic, Ismana Surkovic, Sefkija Balic, Vanja Karlovic-Beslic.


Background: Thyroid dysfunction includes hyper- and hypofunction of the thyroid gland (hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism). The spectrum encompasses both subclinical and clinical disease presentation. The etiology is vast and varied, as are the risk factors and simptoms. Objective: The main aim of the research is to indicate the leading symptom for initial thyroid hormone status evaluation, as well as to identify the distribution of positive and negative test results, and specific disorders according to sex and age groups. Methods: The research is designed as a retrospective, clinical, descriptive study. There were 500 participants included, 355 female and 145 male. Patients were referred to the Department of endocrinology by their primary care physicians. The data was collected through patient documentation. Results: The study included 500 participants, 71% of diagnostic requests made were for women. 80% of subjects had normal thyroid hormone status, p

Key words: hypothyreosis, hyperthyreosis, simptoms of the thyroid diseases

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