Original Research |
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THE EFFECT OF EARLY NEUROMUSCULAR ELECTRICAL STIMULATION IN INTENSIVE CARE UNIT-ACQUIRED WEAKNESS PATIENTSArief Yustiawan, Bambang Pujo Semedi, Lydia Arfianti, Maulydia Maulydia, Pesta Parulian Maurid, Prananda Surya Airlangga, Kohar Hari Santoso, Meisy Andriana. Abstract | | | | ABSTRACT
Background & objective: Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness (ICU-AW) is a weakness found in critically ill patients that is the primary cause of the condition, and this weakness can persist until after treatment from the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). This study analyzes the differences in global muscle strength, quadriceps femoris muscle, and creatine kinase examination before and after giving ICU-AW patients Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation (NMES) therapy.
Methodology: The type of study used a pre-experimental one-group pre-posttest, and the study population consisted of 23 patients who experienced ICU-AW. Patients were given NMES therapy at the beginning of treatment in the ICU and then evaluated using MRC-SS, MMT, and creatine kinase levels.
Results: NMES therapy provides significant results on increasing muscle strength on the fifth day with MRC-SS 42.78 (24-60) and MMT 3.57 (2-5) p-value
Key words: Neuromuscular electrical stimulation; Intensive Care Unit-Acquired Weakness, Creatine kinase