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Sokoto J. Vet. Sci.. 2024; 22(3): 156-162

Effects of common salt, vitamin C and taurine on transportation-induced HSP70 levels in African catfish, Clarias gariepinus

S Abalaka, M Fatihu, N Ibrahim, S Shoyinka, N Sani, O Tenuche, I Idoko, E Tizhe & S Ejeh.


The transportation of fish from farm to farm, farms to markets, and farms to homes are necessary stressful practices in aquaculture, hence the need to look for how to mitigate its impact. The present study investigated the effects of common salt, vitamin C and taurine administered through fish water on transportation-induced stress using shock protein 70 (heat shock protein 70 or HSP70) as a biomarker of stress. Group I contained the control and not transported fish and Group II contained the transported fish without common salt, vitamin C or taurine in fish water while Groups III, IV, and V contained the transported fish with common salt (6 gL-1), vitamin C (200 mgL-1), and taurine (200 mgL-1), respectively. There was significant (p

Key words: Clarias gariepinus, Common salt, HSP70, Stress, Taurine, Vitamin C

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