Background: Burn injuries are a prevalent public health concern globally, necessitating effective first-aid practices for optimal outcomes. This study aims to assess the knowledge and practices of adults in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, regarding first aid for burns, recognizing the importance of understanding current awareness levels and identifying potential areas for targeted interventions.
Methods: A cross-sectional survey design was employed, the study included 388 adults aged 18 and above in Riyadh, utilizing non-probability convenience sampling. A structured questionnaire, developed in Arabic and English, covered demographics, burn causes knowledge and first-aid practices. Statistical analyses, including descriptive statistics and Chi-square tests, were conducted using Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) version 26.
Results: This study involved 388 participants and found that the majority (59.3%) were aged 18-29, with 38.1% male and 61.9% female. Furthermore, 81.2% had a university education. Participants showed a strong awareness (89.8%) of hot water as a leading cause of burns, with 93.0% correctly identifying the kitchen as a likely place for burns. Positive practices, like not touching blisters from first-degree burns, were observed in 76.6% of participants. However, misconceptions, such as using ice directly on burned areas (29.9%), were also prevalent. In addition, 33.6% relied on peers, colleagues, or family members for knowledge acquisition.
Conclusion: The study underscores the importance of targeted educational interventions to address knowledge gaps and correct misconceptions related to burn first aid. Emphasizing evidence-based practices, particularly in scenarios where misconceptions exist, can contribute to improved community response to burn injuries. Collaboration with healthcare professionals, leveraging digital platforms, and incorporating community influencers in educational campaigns are recommended strategies.
Key words: Burn injuries, first aid, general population, burn knowledge.