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J Res Educ Indian Med . 1982; 1(2): 1-4




Significance of Yoga in mental health is being increasingly accepted. This is all the more important now, as with the stress and strain of present day life, mental diseases and other mental problems are on the increase. In the affluent countries, in spite of materialistic progress of a phenomenal nature, persons afflicted with mental problems are gradually increasing. It is thus felt, now, that the answer to all this does not reside in pure materialistic progress but the spiritual side of the individual should be explored to find out a suitable answer. Many of the mental problems and diseases such as neuroses, psychotic diseases or psychosomatic disorders arise as a result of thinking in wrong direction and/or as a result of stress, strain or maladjustment, specially in predisposed individuals. The question. therefore, arises whether it is possible to prevent or cure these disorders and thus restore them to normal health. Yoga teaches a person-how to control his thought processes. In Yoga Sutras of Patanjali "Yoga is defined as inhibition of the modification and working of the mind". When this is possible even for a short time, the mind gets refreshed and this ultimately helps towards attainment of sound mental health and even curing some of the early neurotic and psychosomatic disorders. The advanced case or' psychosis may require more elaborate psychoanalytical and other treatment in addition to Yoga. Such a state of thoughtlessness may be demonstrated on E. E. G. in terms of increasing Alpha waves. All the states of mind (consciousness) waking, sleeping. dreaming including meditating and deeply meditating. which is a state of tranquility with .alertness can be demonstrated on E. E. G. by different wave patterns. Fuller details are given in the original text. Thus Yoga, which is a process of producing a tranquil but aware state of mind by meditation. definitely helps in attainment of sound mental health if practiced regularly.

Key words: Mental Health, Yoga, mental problems, psychosomatic disorders stress,

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