Standardization ensures the quality of medicines and gives authenticity to the
medicines prepared by the manufacturers, satisfaction of the prescribing physicians and relief to
the consumers. This paper deals with the standardization of an Ayurvedic formulation - Hinguvacadi
churna - by carrying out a detailed analysis based on WHO and FDA guidelines and identification
of a marker compound piperine in it. Hinguvacadi churna is commonly used in Ayurveda for the
treatment of Adhmana, Sula, Gulma, Pandu, Parsvasula, Vastisula, Trikasula, Yonisula, Gudasula,
Vibandha, Mutrasanga, Kanthabandha, Hrtroga, Aruci, Pliharoga, Hikka, Svasa, Kasa and
Agnimandya. The formulation used for the study was prepared by the Clinical Research Section,
Regional Research Institute, Thiruvananthapuram, India. The physico-chemical parameters - Moisture
content, Total ash, Acid insoluble ash, Water soluble ash, Water soluble extractives, Alcohol soluble
extractives, pH of water extract, Volatile oil, Fibre content, Swelling index, Foaming index and
Particle size - were determined. TLC, HPTLC and HPLC profiles and IR fingerprint were taken
which contribute to a great extent for standardization. A comparative study on Hinguvacadi churna,
Piper nigrum Linn. (fruit) and piperine, which was isolated from the churna, was also carried out
using chromatographic and IR spectrophotometric methods. The shelf-life period of the formulation
was also studied.
Key words: Quality control, Good manufacturing practices, Physico-chemical analysis,
Hinguvacadi churna, Piperine, Marker compound, Vanillin-sulphuric acid, WHO guidelines.