Metals like iron, copper are being used by humans since the prehistoric period.
Tamra (copper) is used in the form of vessels, medicine in day to day life since centuries. During
the medieval period, with the advent of Rasashastra, Tamra Bhasma (calcined ash) occupied a
significant role in the Ayurvedic therapeutics. It is the drug of choice in the treatment of many
diseases like Udara (ascitis), Yakritvikara (hepatic disorders), Kushtha (skin diseases) etc. Recently
many research works have been carried out on it. The present paper is a simple compilation
focusing on the historic review, modern review, types, Grahyaagrahyatva, pharmacodynamic
properties, Shodhana, Marana and Amritikarana procedures, dose and formulations of Tamra
Bhasma. This review is expected to refurnish the existing knowledge and give an insight to the
researchers in this area of education and research.
Key words: Tamra, Copper, Bhasma, Rasashastra, Medicinal uses of copper.