A 47-year-old woman presented with near sight issues with 10/10 best corrected visual acuity in both eyes. The intraoculer pressure was 14mmhg in right eye and 16mmhg in left eye. The slit-lamp examination showed a normal anterior chamber. The dilated fundus examination showed that there were cystic, hypopigmented, and swollen lessions in the both fovea. The patient did not have metamorphopsia. At the same time in serological tests performed on the patient did not develop any pathology. With no present systemic problem, the patient was diagnosed with idiopathic retina pigment epitel detachment at the end of examination with fluorecein anjiography and optical chorence tomography.
Key words: Idiopathic Retina Pigment Epitel Detachment; Fluorecein Anjiography; Optical Cohorence Tomography.