SHG schemes and programmes linked with banks is very effective and efficient in improving the standard of living of the members and allowing them to participate in social activities. Microfinance covers both financial and non financial services benefitting their clients to upgrade the skill up gradation, entrepreneurship development rendered to the poor and needy people for the purpose of enabling them to overcome poverty. The SHGs considered for the research study is linked with nationalized banks in the state constitute the population. 21 Nationalized banks spread over in 32 districts having 21,454 registered self help groups in Tamilnadu. The list of registered self help groups were referred and sample size was derived using statistical formula. The pilot study was undertaken to find the reliability and viability of the study using 100 samples of SHGs Members, 10 districts has been chosen for the sample from the statistical data available with the nationalized banks. The concept of Self help groups is said to be the “Brain Child” of Grameen Bank concept. The credit of spreading the concepts of Self help groups among the people in India goes to NGOs and NGDOs.
Key words: SHG schemes, Grameen Bank, Microfinance