Dendrophthoe falcata linn. is reported to contain biologically active substances such as flavonoids, ß-sitosterol, ß-amirin, oleanolic acid, chlorophyll, steroids and terpenoids. The Present study was under taken to evaluate the antimicrobial and antifungal potential of extracts of this plant. The extracts of Dendrophthoe falcata linn. leaves, showed significant antimicrobial activity against Gram positive and Gram-negative test organisms. Dendrophthoe falcata anhemiparasite plant belonging to Loranthaceae, Synonyms are Loranthus longifluorous also knownas banda, vandal vrikshabhaksha and bandgul. This parasitic plant is one of the most widespread plants in the forests of India, usually occurring in deciduous forests of Western Ghats of India.
Key words: Dendrophthoe falcata linn., leaves, Cup and Plate method, Antibacterial, Antifungal