Kupeelu (Strychnos nux-vomica Linn.), a drug mentioned under Upavisha (semi-poisonous) group of Ayurvedic pharmacopoeia, is being practiced widely in Ayurvedic therapeutics since long. Certain compound formulations containing Kupeelu are also well practiced in Homeopathy and Unani System of Medicine. Ayurveda strictly recommend the use of this drug in therapeutics only after proper Shodhana (purificatury procedure) through some specific media like Gomutra, Godugdha, Goghrita, Kanji etc. Though various Shodhana procedures are recommended in Ayurvedic classics for purification of Kupeelu seeds, but updated scientific researches regarding the Shodhana methods are lacking. Keeping this fact in mind, an attempt hasbeen made in the present study to evaluate the impact of Shodhana on Kupeelu seeds while performing the specific Shodhana method, recommended by the Ayurvedic Formulary of India(A.F.I.).
This study reveals that the toxic alkaloids Strychnine & Brucine, present in Kupeelu seed,were reduced by 71.49% and 54.02% respectively, in comparison to the raw seed, as determined by H.P.T.L.C. study.
Key words: Kupeelu, Strychnos nux-vomica, Shodhana, Ayurvedic Formulary of India (A.F.I),Strychnine, Brucine