In the present clinical study, total 65 patients of oligozoospermia (< 40
mil/ml three successive weekly semen analyses) were managed in two groups viz.
study (Kshiravidari) group (n=35) and placebo group (n=30). In Kshiravidari group,
Kshiravidari (Ipomea digitata Linn.) tuber was administered in the tablet form (each 500
mg) in a dose of 6 gm per day in divided doses, and in placebo group, Bhrista Godhuma
Churna (fried wheat powder) in capsule form [4 capsules / day (each 500 mg)] was
administered, in both therapy with milk as Anupana. In both the groups, therapy was
given for one and half month (45 days), further 45 days of follow-up. Semen examination
was carried out after completion of therapy i.e. on 45th day. During follow up period
semen examination was done 15 days after completion of therapy i.e. on 60th day, and
second examination was done 45 days after completion of treatment i.e. on 90th day.
Clinical study has shown that Kshiravidari (Ipomea digitata Linn.) increases the sperm
count (mil/ml) (mild to moderate degree) and also total sperm count (mil) in patients of
oligozoospermia. This proves Vrishya property of Kshiravidari as potent spermatogenic
agent. However, due to the increase in the viscosity and liquefaction time, the drug
decreases the RLP (Rapid Linear Progressive) and SLP (Slow Linear Progressive) motility
(%), and simultaneously increases the NP (Non-Progressive) and IMM (Immotile) motility
(%) of sperm. Three patients of oligozoospermia were able to impregnate their partners
within total of 60 days of duration of follow-up period, which also shows the fertility
enhancing effect of Kshiravidari.
Key words: Male infertility, Oligozoospermia, Kshiravidari, Ipomea digitata Linn.