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RMJ. 2015; 40(4): 453-457

Perceived stress in Saudi medical undergraduates in Umm Al-Qura University Medical School, Makkah, Saudi Arabia

Muhammad Irfan Rizvi, Abdulhalim S Serafi, Zahir Hussain, Muhammad Amir Mustufa, Syed Najamuddin Farooq, Huma Zahir.


Objectives: To measure the perceived stress in male undergraduate medical students in Umm Al-Qura University Medical School.
Methodology: The stress responses in form of scores were determined using Perceived Stress Scale-14 in male undergraduate medical students aged 18-22 years. The stressed and unstressed subjects were separated, and descriptive statistical analysis and Games-Howell post-hoc test were applied for analyzing the data.
Results: The study included 127 students. The unstressed subjects (n: 85; 66.93%) were about double in number compared to stressed subjects (n: 42; 33.07%). Responses to perceived stress scale in Mean±SD score values, SEM, range value, median and confidence interval (90%, 95% and 99%) showed significantly less stress scores considering cut off values in male undergraduate medical students.
Conclusion: We found that 33% students were stressed. Assessment and coping the stress is important for education and proper guidance of undergraduate medical students.

Key words: Stress scores, perceived stress scale, responses to perceived stress scale, male undergraduate medic

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