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BMB. 2024; 9(3): 0-0

The Effect Of Digital Parenting Awareness On Problemic Media Use In Primary School Children

Emre Ereskici, Sibel Tunç Karaman, Okcan Basat.


Objective: This study aimed to examine the impact of digital parenting awareness (DPA) level on problematic media use (PMU) in children.
Material and Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted with children between the ages of 7-11 who admitted to Family Medicine Outpatient Clinic of a tertiary hospital between 09.06.2022 and 08.12.2022, and met the inclusion criteria for themselves and their parents. Data were obtained through the Patient Information Form, Digital Parenting Awareness Scale (DPAS), and Problematic Media Use Measure-Short Form (PMUM-SF) administered to parents.
Results A total of 301 children, with an average age of 8.21±1.13 years and 174 (57.8%) of whom were girls, were included in the study. Children mostly had access to television (80.1%), mobile phones (67.4%), and tablets (34.6%) during the day. The rate of those who spent ≥5 hours in front of the screen was 3.7% on weekdays and 14.6% on weekends. The mean PMUM-SF score was 17.37±7.40. DPAS subscale mean scores were 7.25±2.41 for Being Negative Model (NM), 9.05±3.34 for Digital Negligence (DN), 15.96±3.29 for Efficient Use (EU) and 15.09±3.61 for Protection from Risks (PR). There was a positive relationship between PMU and NM, and DN, while there was a negative relationship between EU and PR (p

Key words: Awareness, Digital Parenting, Problematic Media Use, Screen Time.

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