Background - Today stress has become the wild animal and an inescapable part
of modern life. Diabetes mellitus is a giant disease, considered as one of the arch enemy of the
mankind. India is having the 18% of total diabetic population of the world. In anxiety and stress
prone individuals, the samprapti (pathogenesis) of Prameha(Diabetes Mellitus) starts from the
vitiation of agni (digestive fire) leading to amotpatti (indigestive juice) and that ama when settles
in basti (urinary bladder), it leads to manifestation of Prameha. Madhumehari churna has antidiabetic
properties and MedhyaRasayana has the molecular nutrients for the brain and is claimed
to relieve stress. Aims and Objectives - (1)To establish stress factor as nidana (causative factor)
of Prameha. (2)To analyze the effect of MedhyaRasayana to treat the stress factor involved in
the pathogenesis of Diabetes mellitus. Materials and Methods - A total number of 60 patients aged
between 20-70 years suffering from salient feature of stress involved non-insulin dependent
diabetes mellitus were registered. The patients were divided into 3 groups. Group A included
patients with slight and moderately high blood sugar, and were treated with MedhyaRasayan churna
2gm BD. Group B included patients with high blood sugar, and were treated with Madhumehari
churna 5gm BD. Group C included patients with high blood sugar, and were treated with both
MedhyaRasayan 2 gm. + Madhumehari churna 5gm. B.D with Luke warm water before meal for
a period of 4 months. Results - Group C had statistically significant relief on almost all symptoms
of Prameha as compared to Group A and Group B. Conclusion - (1) There is a role of negative
Manasika Bhavas (psychic traits) in the formation of Ama , thus acting as one the primary factor
in the pathogenesis of Prameha. (2) Prameha can be managed by changing mode of life style and
decreasing stress hormones by use of MedhyaRasayana.
Key words: Diabetes mellitus, Samprapti, Agni, Amotpatti, Prameha, Madhumehari Churna,
Medhya Rasayan, Negative Manasika Bhavas.