Stressful life style, lack of physical activities, exercise and prolonged
wrong postures results in unequal and inappropriate muscle tension. Fear, anxiety and tension also
lead to the muscles to unnecessary spasms. The above coupled with lack of exercise can cause
muscle dysfunction. Ushtrasana (camel pose) releases stress and anxiety. It helps to heal many
different spinal ailments. Aim: To study the effect of Ushtrasana in management of Katishula with
Manyashula. Methodology: Clinical trial on 30 individuals between the age group of 30-50 years
of either sex was carried out for 60 days. Results: 26.67% of individuals have shown Marked
response, 36.67% shown Moderate response and 36.66% shown Mild response. Conclusion:
Ushtrasana (Backward bending pose) reduces back pain by stretching and strengthening the
muscles. It creates maximum compression of spines which stimulates the nervous system and also
improves flexibility of neck and spine. Ushtrasana definitely plays an important role in management
of Kati Shula (low back pain), Manyashula (neck pain) and associated symptoms without any side
Key words: Katishula, Manyashula, Neck and Low Back Pain, Ushtrasana, Yoga Treatment.