Objective: To compare the voice disorder and health related quality of life between Speech Language Pathologists and Mainstream School Teachers.
Methodology: This comparative cross-sectional study using convenience sampling recruited 120 mainstream teachers and speech language pathologists working in public and private settings in Punjab, Pakistan from September 2020 to February 2021. The sample included both genders aged 25-60 years. Voice handicap index and Short Form 12 Health Survey was used to determine the quality of voice and its impact on individual quality of life. SPSS- 21 was utilized for data analysis.
Results: There was significant difference (p=0.000) between voice handicap mean scores in Speech language pathologists (23.38±17.28) in comparison to teachers (55.79±20.49). However, no significant difference (p=0.904) on Quality of life between speech professionals (30.72±3.11) and teachers (31.14±2.89) was noted.
Conclusion: The mainstream schoolteachers had documented high prevalence of voice disorder because of vocal demands that can lead to psychological impact on their quality of life as compared to Speech language pathologists. However, there was no difference in the quality of life.
Key words: Main stream teachers, quality of life, speech Language pathologists, vocal abuse, voice handicap index.