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RMJ. 2025; 50(1): 163-166

Caregivers burden in parents of children with hearing impairment and intellectual disability; A cross sectional study from Punjab, Pakistan

Nazia Firdous, Nazia Mumtaz, Ghulam Saqulain.


Objective: To determine the level of caregiver burden among parents of children with hearing loss and intellectual disability and the correlation between type of disability and caregiver burden.
Methodology: This cross-sectional study with non-probability consecutive sampling included 300 parents of children with hearing loss and intellectual disability, of both genders, aged 1-16 years. Study sample was collected from medical and special education setups in Punjab, from May 2017 to December 2017. We used basic demographic sheet and Caregiver Burden Inventory. Data analysis was performed using SPSS 21.
Results: Mean caregiver burden score was 54.06±12.078 with a significant correlation between disability and caregiver burden (p

Key words: Caregiver burden, hearing impairment, intellectual disability, parents.

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