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Case Report

Intramuscular Myxoma [İntramusküler Miksoma]

Ayse Umul, Dudu Dilek Yavuz, Kemal Kursat Bozkurt.


Myxoma is a a benign tumor arising from mesenchymal cells. When originate from skeletal muscle is called intramuscular myxoma. Most often it settles in the large muscles of the lower extremities. It usually occurs between 40 and 60 years of age and more often in women. These lesions present as a painless swelling. MR imaging is very important in the diagnosis and the differential diagnosis. On T1-weighted images, the findings called 'peritumoral fat rind' has a high diagnostic value for the myxoma. In this article, 50-year-old female patient will be explained who has the swelling in the thigh and intramuscular myxoma determined, with emphasis on radiological findings and differential diagnosis

Key words: Mesenchmal, intramuscular, myxoma, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)

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