Polycystic ovarian syndrome/disease (Infertility Queen) is a systemic endocrine and metabolic disorder. It was originally considered a gynecological disorder. Hyperinsulinemia and hyperandrogenemia are the chief culprits responsible for oligo/amenorrhoea, hirsutism, obesity and enlarged ovaries with multiple small cysts and thick tunica results in anovulation. In Ayurveda few diseases in group of yoni vyapad and jatiharini have some similarities with this entity but pushpaghni jatiharini described by Acharya Kashyap has got much resemblance. Early recognition and intervention such as the development of further complications, medical and surgical treatment are advised according to need and severity of disease. Ayurveda advocate prevention of disease by following dincharya and ritucharya, by use of pathya aahar, vihar, aushadh and also by avoiding apathya aahar, vihar, prajnaparadha, mandagni, eating excessive sweet and kaph vardhak aahar and lack of love and other etiological factors. Therefore kapha reducing, insulin rebalancing, obstruction clearing aushadh aahar and vihar can helps to prevent / treat PCOS. This disorder involves pitta, kapha, medas with ambuvahasrotasand artavdhatu, these should be considered during treatment.
Key words: Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), Yoni vyapad, Serum hormone binding globulin, Ritucharya, Dincharya, Infertility, Infertility queen.