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J Res Educ Indian Med . 2014; 20(1): 66-66




On behalf of the Organizing Committee
and the International Advisory Board, we are
pleased to announce the Call for Papers for
the Aging and Society: Fourth Interdisciplinary
Conference and the Call for Submissions to
The International Journal of Aging and Society.
The 2014 Aging and Society Conference
will be held at the Manchester Conference
Centre in Manchester, UK from 7 - 8
November. Proposals for paper presentations,
poster sessions, workshops, roundtables or
colloquia are invited to the conference,
addressing the aging and society through one
of the following themes.
Proposals are reviewed on rolling deadlines.
The final proposal submission deadline to qualify
for regular registration is 7 October 2014 (title
and short abstract). Proposals submitted after
this day will be accommodated in non-themed
sessions at the conference or are eligible for
community membership registrations (no
attendance at conference required with
community membership presentations).
Final Proposal Submission
Deadline to Qualify for
Regular Registration:
7 October 2014

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