The Madhumeha (DM-II) treatment in general all over the world has been primarily
focusing on blood glucose control (hypoglycemic effect). In the classical textbooks of Ayurveda,
several important subjective signs and symptoms of Madhumeha have been described. However,
there are only a few studies that have explored the effectiveness of various formulations on these
subjective parameters. Therefore, the present work was planned to evaluate the effect of Varadi
kwatha (VK) on both objective and subjective parameters. The VK was chosen because it was
economical and hence, accessible to the poor people. It also contains the ingredients mostly with
Tikta (bitter) and Kashaya (astringent) Rasa (tastes). 23 diagnosed patients having signs and
symptoms of DM-II as per WHO guidelines were enrolled in the study. The patients were given
Varadi Kwatha containing the following herbal ingredients: (1) Vatsak (Holarrhena antidysenterica)
(2) Triphala (Terminalia chebula, Embelica officinalis, Terminalia belerica) (3) Darvi (Coscinium
fenestratum) (4) Mustaka (Cyperus rotundus (5) Beejaka (Pterocarpus marsupium). The patients
were given VK in a dose of 24 ml twice a day for 8 weeks. A highly significant improvement was
observed in most of the subjective parameters. All the 23 patients showed a good improvement
of more than 75% in cardinal symptoms like Prabhuta mutrata, Avila mutrata, Galatalushosha,
Daurbalya and Pipasadhikya etc. In terms of biochemical objective parameters, the mean FBS of
207.65±78.43 mg/dl showed a decrease to 162.86 ±72.66 mg/dl and the mean PPBS showed a
decrease from 278.89±131.96 mg/dl to 223.30±106.04 mg/dl
Key words: Ayurvedic treatment, Diabetes mellitus Type-2, Madhumeha, Medicinal plants,
Varadi kwatha.