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TAF Prev Med Bull. 2006; 5(6): 402-407


Ömer,,COŞKUN*, H.,Cem,GÜL, A.,Bülent,BEŞİRBELLİOĞLU, Canpolat,,EYİGÜN.


In our study; we evaluated hospital infections in Eskisehir Military Hospital in two-year period between 2004 and 2005. The diagnosis of hospital infections was done according to Centers for Disease Control criteria using laboratory-based surveillance system. In the study period, a total of 10.600 patients were hospitalized and hospital infection rate was 0.2 %. The age of the hospitalized patients was 0-85 years (mean 39.2 years) and the age of patients with hospital infections was 2-75 years (43.4 years). Urinary tract infection was the most leading infection (81%) and it was followed by surgery site infection with a rate 10%. The mostly identified agents were E. coli (83%), Pseudomonas spp. (%8), Klebsiella spp. (%5), and the others (4%).

Key words: hospital infections, epidemiology

Article Language: Turkish English

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