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J Res Educ Indian Med . 2014; 20(1): 1-8


Sanjeev Sharma, Suman Sharma, Ramesh Kaubdal, Vipin Kumar Gupta..


Objectives: Laksha Guggulu, an Ayurvedic formulation advocated to enhance the fracture healing in ancient Indian texts, was selected to validate its effect on fracture healing on certain scientific parameters like Radiological, Serological and Histopathological studies in an experimental rat model. Methods: Eighteen Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus) were taken to create identical fractures by a transverse osteotomy of Radial bone of their left fore limb under Ketamine and Xylazine anesthesia (intraperitoneally). Intact ulna acted as an internal splint hence, no other external or internal support to the fractures was given. Post operatively injectable antibiotic (Gentamicin) was given. These osteotomised rats were divided into three groups of six each. Group I rats were given 13.5mg/100gm body weight of the trial drug (Laksha Guggulu) twice daily through oral route. Group II rats were given half of the Group I dose of the trial drug whereas in Group III, no drug was given (Control group). The drug was given oraly with Cow’s milk. Total duration of trial was of four weeks. Healing was assessed Radiologically, Biochemically and Histopathologically. Results: Assessment of results was done according to pre-designed protocol and data analysis done statistically. Histopathological and Serological studies revealed significant results in Group I animals as compared to Group II and Group III. Radiologically the difference between the groups was not detectable. Conclusion: Laksha Guggulu has got a definite role in the enhancement of fracture healing by forming early and improved quality of the callus. However, further studies on large sample size, with more advanced investigations like Histomorphometery, Bone turnover markers and Micro CT scanning are required

Key words: Fracture healing, Histopathology, Laksha Guggulu, Rat model

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