India is the second largest country in the world with 76 million elderly persons
above 60 years of age as of the 2011 Indian census. The elderly population (70 years and above)
are projected to increase five fold from 2001-2051. Condition like Alzheimers disease, another
disorder that causes dementia or a condition that mimics dementia disrupts work, hobbies, social
activities and family relationships. Yoga is the ancient science aimed to get eternal happiness
through eight limbs that include Yama, Niyama, Asana, Pranayama, Pratyahara, Dharana, Dhyana
and Samadhi. All these stimulate and enhance the functioning of the various internal organs and
also in boosting overall health. Ageing can be improved with yoga, which prevents accumulation
of stress metabolites and keeps the physiology supple. This paper emphasis on memory loss and
suggests preventive yogic practices for memory loss in geriatric age.
Key words: Asana, Geriatrics, Memory loss, Yogic lifestyle.