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RMJ. 2016; 41(1): 95-99

Types of Ulnar variance in normal adult population in Peshawar region KPK, Pakistan

Khurram Iqbal, Waqar Hassan, Salik Kashif Kashif.


Objective: To determine frequency of different types of ulnar variance in local normal adult population.
Methodology: This descriptive cross sectional study was conducted at Department of Orthopedics, Hayatabad Medical Complex, Peshawar, Pakistan from 19th September 2012 to18th March 2013 using consecutive, non probability sampling technique. A total of 156 volunteers were included in the study. Subjects were selected from attendants accompanying patients in orthopedics department and accident and emergency department. Data regarding age and gender was taken. Postero-anterior radiographs of wrists were made in zero position and ulnar variance measured by method of perpendiculars. SPSS version10 was used for data analysis.
Results: Out of 156 patients, 109 were males and 47 females with a male to female ratio of 2.3:1. The mean age of all patients was 40±13.82 years. The mean age of male patients was 40.73±14.07 years while mean age of female patients was 38.30±13.21 years. Positive ulnar variance was more frequent (39.7%), followed by negative ulnar variance (35.9%) and neutral ulnar variance (24.4%). Mean ulnar variance was + 0.36 mm±1.5. Overall, the minimum ulnar variance was -3.6 mm while the maximum ulnar variance was +3.2 mm with a range of 6.8 mm.
Conclusion: In local population, positive ulnar variance is more frequent followed by negative ulnar variance followed by neutral ulnar variance.

Key words: Ulnar variance, wrist joint, method of perpendiculars

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