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PJPS. 2024; 12(2): 0-0

Radial Nerve Injury in Patient Presenting With Closed Fracture Of The Shaft of Humerus

Farhan Qazi,Anwar Imran,Mudir Khan,Sajid Akhtar,Muhammad Abubakr.


Background: Radial nerve injury may be the result of neuropraxia, nerve laceration, or entrapment of the nerve between the fracture fragments. This study will also provide us with local statistics regarding radial nerve injury humeral shaft fracture as no local studies were found on this topic. The study aims to determine the frequency of radial nerve injury in closed humeral shaft fractures.
Methodology: A total of 89 patients with the age of between 20-60 years, irrespective of gender having closed humeral shafts were recruited. Standard ward protocols for the management of patients were followed including stabilization of fracture and analgesia administration. All patients were assessed under the supervision of an expert orthopedic surgeon for radial nerve injury based on wrist drop with the inability to extend wrist fingers and thumb.
Results: The range of age of patients in this study was from 20 to 60 years having a mean of 38.89 ± 7.89 years. Most of the patients 47 (52.81%) were between the ages of 20 to 40. Out of the 89 patients, 53 (59.55%) were male and 36 (40.45%) were females. The ratio between males and females was 1.5:1. The percentage of injury to the radial nerve in patients with a closed humeral shaft fracture was 25.84%, affecting 23 patients, while those without injury to the radial nerve numbered 66 (74.15%).
Conclusion: This study concluded that the frequency of injury to the radial nerve in patients having closed humeral shaft fracture is 25.84% and those without injury to the radial nerve is 74.15%.

Key words: Closed Fracture, Humerus Shaft, Radial Nerve Injury.

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