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Original Article

AJVS. 2015; 46(1): 161-169

The Effect of Race in the Clinical, Hematological and Biochemical Biomarkers in Thoroughbred Horses

Hany Y. Hassan, Mahmoud A. Aly, Youssef. M. ELseady, Mohamed A. Nayel, Ahmed M. Elsify, Akram A. Salama, Mohamed S. Hassan, Emad F. Elbarody, and Ahmed B. Kamar.


Thoroughbred horse racing is a worldwide sport and industry involving the racing of Thoroughbred horses. It is governed by different national bodies. There are two forms of the sport: flat racing and jump racing. So the study the clinical, hematological and biochemical biomarkers are most useful information that make the race horse such a super athlete and good managed. This study was carried out on twenty one thoroughbred race horses in order to evaluate physical performance and recovery time through measuring the clinical parameters ( Heart rate, Respiratory rate, Body temperature and capillary refilling time ) , hematological ( RBCs, PCV, Hb, total and Differential leucocytic count) and biochemical biomarkers ( TP, Albumin, AST, ALT,CK,LDH, Lactic acid, Glucose, Cholestrol,Na, K, Cl and Urea , Creatinine, Ca, P and Mg ). Clinical and blood samples were occurred just before and at 5, 15 and 60 minutes after 1600 meter race. The results showed significant increase in all clinical and hematological and biochemical biomarkers 5 min after end of exercise and returned to basal levels after 60 minutes rest. The results can be useful index about horse performance, the effect of race on horse metabolism and helpful in management protocols of athletic horses during training under hot climate conditions.

Key words: clinical, hematology, biochemical , race, Thoroughbred horses.

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