The implementation of teaching Malay Language in high school should focus on the development of digital and virtual teaching material that based on computer, information and communication technology. The development goal needs to be directed to the teacher's opinion towards the correlation between objective and procedure to serve as catalysts in the learning process of summary writing. Hence, this research was conducted to study teacher's opinion towards the correlation between objective and procedure in the development of digital and virtual alternative assessment system that based on Android for form four summary writing. The survey method was conducted by involving 33 teachers as a randomly selected sample. The study data were analysed descriptively from the questionnaire. Descriptive data that were analysed are mean and standard deviation, while the inferential data were tested using Pearson Correlation statistics. The result shows that there is a positive correlation between objective and procedure in the development of digital and virtual alternative assessment system, r = 2.03 at a significant level of
Key words: Teachers Opinion; Objective and Procedure; Development of Alternative Digital Assessment System; Summary Writing; Android