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Knowledge and Awareness Regarding Bell’s Palsy Among the General Population in the Jazan Region of Saudi Arabia

Abduallah A. Mawkili, Razan F. Ageeli, Atheer M. Alshammakhi, Shahad H. Maafa, Atheer I. Maafa, Ola A. Khawaji, Ghadi A. Shamakhi, Roaa M. Alhazmi, Ali M. Shawish, Alhassan H. Hobani.


Background and Aims:
Bells palsy is an idiopathic facial nerve paralysis causing unilateral muscle weakness, characterized by symptoms such as an inability to furrow the forehead, a drooping eyelid, and a drooping corner of the mouth. Commonly, Bell’s palsy has an unknown origin but has been linked to reactivated herpes simplex virus (HSV-1) at the geniculate ganglion of the facial nerve. This study aimed to determine the level of knowledge and awareness regarding Bell’s palsy among the general population in the Jazan region of Saudi Arabia.

A cross-sectional study was conducted among 503 individuals selected randomly from the general population in Jazan. Data was collected through a validated online questionnaire.

The study included a total of 503 participants, with 31 (6.2%) diagnosed with facial palsy. Bell’s palsy awareness among participants was evaluated, revealing that 187 (37.2%) identified it as an idiopathic condition. Regarding age, nearly all the participants under 20 showed poor levels of awareness (95.9%). Among those aged 20-35, only 46 (23.4%) had good awareness (P = 0.011). Moreover, only 10 (32.3%) of the diagnosed individuals demonstrated good levels of awareness (P = 0.028). In addition, most of the participants who knew someone who had been diagnosed with facial palsy (319; 80.4%) had a poor level of awareness (P = 0.026).

The study revealed moderate awareness of Bell's palsy among the general population in the Jazan region, with age being a significant factor influencing awareness levels. The findings indicated the necessity for targeted educational interventions, particularly targeting younger individuals.

Key words: Awareness, Bell’s palsy, Facial palsy, Seventh cranial nerve palsy, Jazan

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