Back ground: Menstruation is characterized by monthly rhythmical changes in the rates of secretion of the female sex hormones and corresponding physical changes in the ovaries and other sexual organs. There are three phases of menstrual cycle namely, menstrual phase, proliferative phase, and secretary phase. There occur fluctuations in the levels of sex steroid hormones across different phases of menstrual cycle.
Aims and objective: This study was carried out to evaluate the immune response of healthy female students of firstyear MBBS (n = 40) in the age group of 1825 years with regular menstrual cycle.
Materials and Methods: The parameters analyzed were total leukocyte count (TLC); absolute eosinophil count (AEC); and differential leukocyte count (DLC) of neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophil, and basophils. The data collected were statistically analyzed.
Result: There was significant increase in TLC during menstrual and secretary phase of menstrual cycle. No significant difference was observed in AEC during different phases of menstrual cycle. In DLC, there was a significant increase in the neutrophil percentage during secretary phase. Lymphocyte count increased during proliferative and secretary phase but it is not statistically significant. No significant difference was observed in monocyte and eosinophil count.
Conclusion: This study shows normal variation in the leucocyte count during different phases of menstrual cycle that may help in understanding various disorders.
Key words: Menstrual Cycle; Total Leukocyte Count; Ddifferential Leukocyte Count; Absolute Eosinophil Count