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Review Article

EEO. 2020; 19(2): 11-19

The Adversity Values and Online Media Education to Improve the Students' Character Values of Vocational School

Sutarman, Yusron Masduki, Imron, Suliswiyadi, Muslim Afandi.


This research aims to find out deeply the improving of students’ character education through the adversity values and utilization of ICT (online media) education in vocational school, namely: 1)how are the internalization of the adversity values and ICT(online media) in learning process; 2) the improving of students’ character ; and3) its useful toward students‘characters strengthening. The research was a descriptive qualitative approach. Technique of data collection by observation, interview, and documentation in vocational school of Pleret Bantul Yogyakarta. The data analysis was by: (1) reduction, (2) display and (3) provided conclusion. The result of this research shows: 1) the pattern of educational values of adversity intelligence (AQ) towards students, is through several programs, namely: (a) the use of ICT (online media) positively for independent pursuit; (b)scouting activities; (c) extracurricular activities. 2)the improving of students ‘character values, namely:(a)students be optimistic; (b)have resilience;(c)be strong to face the life problems;(d) have self-control, and (5) have the strong motivation for life successful, and sothe improving of ICT utilization, namely: (a) the media is used for positive activities; (b) students have a strong struggle to master ICT in order to follow the lessons; (c) students become more creative, and independent;3) It usefuls of the adversity quotient (AQ) values and ICT (online media) education toward students' characters,namely: (a) students become possessed of strong fighting spirit in learning; (b) more flexibility is not limited by space and time and helps students' understanding because learning is more interesting; (c) students are rich in sources of knowledge through ICT (online media) easily and quickly and (d) also have good academic achievement

Key words: adversity, media online, improving, students’ character, vocational school

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