According to WHO 80% of worlds population still relies on traditional system of medicines for primary healthcare. Standardization of ISM formulations includes--quality of herbal medicine, storage, minimizing batch to batch variation and elimination of adulteration and substitution. In the present study the plant Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) studied pharmacognostically, and its two formulations i.e Tulsi Vati (tablet) and Tulsi Arka (distillate) were assessed pharmaceutically and analytically at laboratory of IPGT & RA, Jamnagar by basic methods of standardization. There are many latest methods of standardization available but in the present study it is shown that how the basic laboratory facilities available at Ayurvedic colleges and other setups can help standardization of Ayurvedic preparations to the workable needs.
Key words: Standardization, Tulsi , Herbal Tablet, Herbal arka