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J App Pharm Sci. 2015; 5(9): 007-015

Enhanced production of thermostable lipase from Bacillus cereus ASSCRC-P1 in waste frying oil based medium using statistical experimental design

Ghada E. A. Awad, Hanan Mostafa, Enas N. Danial, Nayera A.M. Abdelwahed, Hassan M. Awad.


This study aim to isolate, identify and optimize lipase producing strains using frying oil waste. Nine strains were isolated from an Egyptian soil samples. Among the isolates, a potent bacterial candidate ASSCRC-P1 was found to be the most potent lipase producer strain at 60 °C. Genotypic identification of ASSCRC-P1 showed 94% similarity with Bacillus sp. strains. Phylogenetic tree confirmed that ASSCRC-P1 was nearly similar to Bacillus cereus. Therefore, it was given the name Bacillus cereus ASSCRC-P1 and its 16S rRNA nucleotide has been deposited in the GenBank Data Library under the accession number: KJ531440. A sequential optimization strategy, based on statistical experimental designs, was employed to enhance the lipase production by this strain. A 2-level Plackett–Burman design was applied to differentiate between the bioprocess parameters that significantly influence lipase production followed by Box-Behnken design to optimize the amounts of variables which have the highest positive significant effect on lipase production. Overall more than 2.15-fold improvement in lipase production was achieved due to optimization compared to that obtained using the basal medium.

Key words: : Isolation and genotypic identification; Thermostable lipase; Waste frying sunflower oil; Bacillus cereus ASSCRC-P1; Statistical designs

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