Developmental studies of human immunoglobulin production have indicated that normal newborn babies are almost agamaglobulinemic at birth with exception of transplacentally acquired IgG. However, after birth and subsequent mucosal colonization with bacteria and exposure to other antigens, IgM and IgA are produced. Fifty newborns; forty-two of them are full term and eight are preterm neonates. Data related to children like weight, sex, term (full term or preterm) and number of borned newborns (single or twins), as well as mothers related factors like residence, occupation, delivery route, and Para number were recorded. Blood was collected from each of them and sera were pooled to immunoglobulin assay (IgG and IBM) using Mancini test. Data were analyzed to show the effect of newborn and mother factors on IgM and IgG titers. It was found that neonates of prime para mothers showed higher weight and more IgM titers than those borned from mothers with multiple Para. Neonates with higher weights showed higher IgM and IgG. Non-significant effect (P> 0.5) of mother's age group was found on IgG and IgM titers and weight of neonates. Sex of neonate showed no effect on IgM and IgG titers. Full term neonates showed more IgG titers and weights than those of short-term neonates. Vise versa was found regarding IgM titers.Regarding method of delivery, non-significant difference was found on weights and immunoglobulin titers. Occupation of mother had no effect on weight of newborn and IgM and IgG titers in sera of newborns. Regarding mothers residence (rural, urban), non-significant difference (P> 0.5) was found in IgG titer and neonatal weight, while neonates from rural mothers were showing higher IgM titers. We can conclude that neonates from prime Para and full term newborns showed high weight and high titers of IgG. Non-significant effect of mother's occupation, type of delivery, and sex of newborn on factors of the study was detected. Moreover, positive correlation was found between weights of newborn, IgG, and IgM titers.
Key words: Neonates, IgM, IgG, Maternity