Mitochondrial DNA of approximately 1040 bp from 16S rRNA and cytochrome b genes were amplified and sequenced from 11 taxa belonging to 9 Uromastyx species. These species were U. hardwickii from India, U. macfadyeni from Somali, U. dispar from Sudan, U. acanthinura from Morocco, U. geyri from Mali, U. aegyptia from Egypt and Arabia, U. benti from Yemen, U. ocellata from Egypt and Sudan and U. ornata from Sinai and Arabia. Nucleotides from these genes were used in combination with 1700 aligned sites from the mitochondrial DNA segment located between NADH dehydrogenase subunit 1 (ND1) to cytochrome oxidase subunit 1 (CO1) genes -that was previously sequenced for the same taxa to- test the phylogenetic position of U. aegyptia and U. macfadyeni. Different tree building methods were used and only single tree was given in which the positions of both Uromastyx taxa were identical to those produced by the previous molecular data but with stronger statistical supports. U. aegyptia was clustered within the Arabian clade and U. macfadyeni was clustered within the African clade.
Key words: agamid lizards, spiny-tailed lizards, mitochondrial DNA, Uromastycidae